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We're Here to Help

Reach Out Today

people clasp hands in addiction treatment programsWhat do you wish your life looked like? Maybe you envision more time with family, mental clarity, and the ability to pursue your passions. However, if you’re struggling with your mental health or substance use issues, it can be difficult to move toward the life of your dreams. Withdrawal, cravings, and ongoing symptoms of mental health concerns like depression or anxiety can make lasting recovery a challenge. And because addiction and mental health issues can be isolating, you might feel like you’re on that journey alone.

At Superior Behavioral Health, we understand that the road to recovery is never easy. But we also know that with compassionate care and evidence-based treatment programs, lasting change is possible. Here, you’ll find a community of support. There’s no judgment and no shame in our Cleveland treatment center—only a team of compassionate professionals who are dedicated to helping you begin the healing process.

Our treatment programs provide care that is personalized to help you reach your goals. We’ll meet you where you are and support you every step of the way. Ready to get started? Just call 216.435.1110 today and our admissions team will help you access the care you deserve.

Do You Need Mental Health or Addiction Treatment?

It can be difficult to recognize when mental health or addiction issues require treatment. Maybe loved ones have expressed concern, or you’ve noticed changes in yourself. Many of the clients we serve at Superior Behavioral Health have felt overwhelmed and burned out but didn’t realize that they needed professional help.

Some of the signs that you may need treatment include:

  • An increase in your substance use or other risky behaviors
  • A decline in social activities and relationships
  • Changes in your diet, sleeping habits, or energy levels
  • Symptoms of depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues

We know that admitting that you need help is a brave step. It’s common for those who are struggling to want to hide away. But you’re not alone. There’s a community waiting to help you begin the healing process.  

Our Treatment Programs

We offer outpatient care, which means that our clients live in their homes while they attend treatment. The levels of care we offer ensure that clients have the support they need as they transition back into their daily life.

Our programs include:

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)

This program is designed for clients who need intensive treatment but don’t require 24/7 care. PHP is the highest level of outpatient care and involves daily sessions in our center, where clients participate in group and individual therapy sessions to help them build skills for lasting recovery.

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

The IOP is designed as step-down care for those who have completed PHP or as a starting point for those who don’t require full-time treatment. IOP involves three to five days of treatment at our center, and clients will participate in group therapy sessions and other therapeutic activities.

Outpatient Treatment Program

Our outpatient program provides ongoing care for clients who are ready to begin the transition back into their daily lives. Clients will visit our center several times a week for individual and group therapy sessions. 

Begin Healing at Superior Behavioral Health

Never underestimate the power of community. You’ll face challenges on the road to recovery, but you don’t have to do it alone. Our team of compassionate professionals is here to walk alongside you on your journey. Give our team a call today. We’ll listen to your story, learn about your goals, and help you begin the healing process.

Call 216.435.1110 or connect with our team online to learn more about our treatment programs and how we can help you build a life you love.