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woman puts hand on shoulder of man in addiction treatment therapiesIndependence, clarity, and productivity are all traits of a healthy life, but when addiction or mental health problems take hold, these are often the first areas of life to suffer. Seeking help from a professional can be a huge benefit in developing and sustaining wellness. Your past doesn’t have to define your future, and with the help of therapies from Superior Behavioral Health, you can work towards the life of your dreams.

If you’re ready to learn more about the treatment programs and therapies at Superior Behavioral Health, reach out to our team today at 216.435.1110 or connect with us online. 

The Role of Therapy in Addiction and Mental Health Treatment

Why is therapy such a foundational part of the treatment process? Therapy involves more than just talking—it’s an active process of discovering patterns, behaviors, and beliefs that have been preventing you from living your best life. It can also provide a safe space to talk out and work through any unresolved issues.

The therapies offered at Superior Behavioral Health are designed to provide a comprehensive plan of care for clients in our outpatient programs. Treatment plans are tailored to each individual, but all of our therapies are designed to help you develop a better understanding of yourself and your behavior. 

Therapies Offered at Superior Behavioral Health

No two clients are alike, and we begin designing and implementing personalized treatment plans from the first phone call. The underlying causes of addiction and mental health concerns, like trauma, can make healing a complicated process. That’s why we offer an array of therapies to ensure that each client gets the care they need.

The therapies that might be part of your journey to healing include:

Group Therapy

Opening up in front of people you don’t know can be daunting, but group therapy is designed to provide a safe and welcoming space for clients to share their experiences. In this type of therapy, you will work with a group of peers to identify and process your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

You’ll benefit from hearing other perspectives and learning from their experiences, and group therapy also offers an opportunity to give back by helping and supporting others.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

The goal of cognitive-behavioral therapy is to identify and modify maladaptive thoughts and behaviors. It can be used to understand the link between emotions, thoughts, and behavior, as well as how each impacts the other. CBT has a direct and practical approach to problem-solving, so you can take actionable steps towards creating long-term change.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

This type of therapy is focused on providing practical skills to deal with challenging situations and intense emotions. It helps participants build skills to help with:

  • Mindfulness
  • Distress tolerance
  • Emotion regulation
  • Interpersonal effectiveness

When combined with other forms of therapy, it can help you develop the ability to remain in control of your emotions and behavior even in difficult circumstances.

Family Therapy

Nothing can be more beneficial than having a supportive network of family and friends during the treatment process. During family therapy, you’ll work with a therapist to create better communication and understanding between members of your family. We believe that healing and recovery is a team effort, and we’ll do everything we can to ensure your loved ones are part of the process.

Trauma Therapy

Trauma can have a devastating impact on mental health, and it’s not something that you can simply get over. Trauma therapy will provide a safe and secure space to talk about your trauma and process it in a healthy way. This type of therapy can help you gain a better understanding of your experiences and provide the tools you need to heal.

Anger Management

Unresolved anger can have a negative effect on your relationships, career, and even physical health. Our anger management program is designed to help you identify the sources of your anger and provide tools to manage your emotions. This type of therapy can help you create more balance in your life and a better understanding of yourself.

Motivational Interviewing

Motivational interviewing is a counseling style that focuses on helping participants create motivation and change. It is designed to help you recognize your own inner strengths and how you can use them to make positive changes in your life. This type of therapy is collaborative, supportive, and non-judgmental.


Psychotherapy is a broad term that refers to any form of therapy that focuses on helping you improve your mental health. It provides a space to talk about your experiences, process them in a healthy way, and learn skills for managing difficult emotions.

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)

Rational emotive behavior therapy is a form of cognitive-behavioral therapy that helps you change maladaptive thought patterns. This type of therapy focuses on identifying irrational beliefs and replacing them with more positive, rational ones. It is a goal-oriented approach that helps you create long-term change.

Reach Out to Superior Behavioral Health Today

If you’re looking for therapies near you to help you manage your mental health or addiction, Superior Behavioral Health can provide the guidance and support you need.

Recovery is possible. Call 216.435.1110 or reach out online to learn how.